English Language Coach. Native Speaker. Experienced TEFL certified Tutor.

Länsikatu 15, 80110 Joensuu, Finland

Hello! I am an experienced TEFL tutor and I offer one-to-one English coaching. I speak clear, easy to understand UK English.

I'm an Englishman who lives in Finland. I love my life in the Finnish Lakeland and I'm proud to be a Finnish citizen. I'm a friendly and patient teacher. I aim to make my lessons fun, interesting and something to look forward to.

Are you terrified of small talk? Do you have problems with grammar? Is it difficult to find the right words? I will help you to improve your English and speak with confidence. Our sessions will be based around your work or interests. We will focus on exactly what you need.

My students are typically adults who already speak some English but want to take their language skills to the next level. They need English for their job or because they plan to live or study overseas. I have worked with people in many different professions, such as law, software development, construction management, the car industry, sales and manufacturing.

I offer a free 30-minute online consultation so we can discuss exactly what you want to achieve.

My lessons are provided online via Teams or Google Meet.
Lessons in person are available in Joensuu, Finland.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Visit my website for more information: www.britishenglish1to1.com
Contact me directly at info(at)britishenglish1to1.com





47 vuotta


Etäopetuksen mahdollisuus:

45 EUR

tiistai 26. maaliskuuta 2024 klo 14.42
(4 kuukautta sitten)

torstai 23. toukokuuta 2024 klo 12.15
(2 kuukautta sitten)

Ilmoitus katsottu:
675 kertaa

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Jatka hakuasi:
Englannin opettajat
Opettajat Pyhäselkä
Opettajat Liperi
Opettajat Kontiolahti
Opettajat Joensuu
Opettajat Otsola
Opettajat Kanervala